Humanforce Thrive Terms of Use

What is Humanforce Thrive?

Humanforce Thrive is a financial wellbeing platform that offers a range of tools, including to allow you to: 

● access card-linked cashback rewards; 

●      track your income in real time;

●      access a proportion of your earned but unpaid salary or wage by way of a technology enabled borrowing facility;

●      arrange to invest part of your salary or wage in the Blossom Fund;

●      increase your financial fitness with tailored financial learning content; and 

●      where relevant, access 1-on-1 money coaching via in-app chat.

Earnd Pty Ltd (ABN 46 625 490 968) trading as Humanforce Thrive (Humanforce Thrive) has integrated with your employer (Employer) to provide you with access to the Humanforce Thrive App. Depending on your Employer’s arrangement with Humanforce, some or all of the benefits described above may be available to you via the Humanforce Thrive App.

Your Humanforce Thrive Agreement (Agreement) is made up of: 

●      these Terms of Use (Terms);

●      any offer to borrow (Offer) that you make when you request to access a proportion of your earned income through the Humanforce Thrive App; and

●      any terms we provide that are applicable to aspects of the Humanforce Thrive App and associated services that you use, including in respect of the “Grow Account” and “Access/Stream” components.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions about these terms. You can email or chat to our support team from the app. Just tap Settings, then Help and Support then open a conversation. 

To use Humanforce Thrive, you will need to provide some personal information. Humanforce Thrive collects, uses, stores and discloses your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you consent to our collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information to provide our service, including disclosure to third-party providers who assist us to provide our service and to our related companies who provide services to you. If you have any concerns or would like to withdraw your consent at a later stage, please contact us at 


Streaming allows you to withdraw a proportion of your earned but unpaid salary or wage by way of a technology-enabled short-term borrowing facility. 

A stream is a loan. When you make your first stream, you give your employer permission to deduct this amount from your pay as a repayment. This should be deducted as a repayment on the date you usually get paid. If your employer is unable to or doesn't deduct your stream from your pay, you'll need to repay this loan in full by direct debit, bank transfer or otherwise.

Humanforce Thrive may report any overdue repayments (which are known as defaults) to a credit reporting body, which can impact your credit score. A Stream is not credit to which the National Credit Code applies.


The Grow service is available through the Humanforce Thrive App to access the Blossom Fund, an investment product operated by Blossom RE. Humanforce Thrive is an authorised representative of Gleneagle Securities (Aust) Pty Ltd ACN 58 136 930 526 AFSL 385620, with AFS authorised representative number 001296715. 

You can read the Blossom Fund’s Product Disclosure Statements here or via the Humanforce Thrive App.  Your investment in the Blossom Fund will be shown as the value of your Blossom Fund account (“Grow Account”), as recorded and determined by Blossom RE.

Humanforce Thrive has arrangements with BlossomApp to enable you to set a Grow Contribution for each Pay Period. On the Reconciliation Date, your Grow Contribution for the Pay Period will be deducted from your Pay and will be temporarily held by Humanforce Thrive, before it is automatically invested in the Blossom Fund and reflected in your Grow Account.  Investments in the Blossom Fund will typically occur within three (3) business days of deduction from your Pay. To learn more about how Grow works, please see sections 3 & 8.

Learn & Coach 

Learn provides impartial financial guidance to help you understand money management principles and build positive financial habits. It provides general information of an educational nature only and doesn’t consider the financial situation or needs of any individual. It is not financial product advice.

The Coach service Humanforce Thrive provides is money coaching, not financial advice. Humanforce Thrive’s money coaches provide strategies to help you reach your financial goals and improve financial behaviours. 

If you are able and choose to use the Coach services, our money coaches may help identify ranges or types of financial products generally available which may be of benefit to you, but will not recommend or express an opinion on the suitability of any financial product or class of financial products to you. Any decision you make to acquire a financial product must be made by you, and under no circumstances will Humanforce Thrive or any Coach assist you in making such a decision. Before acquiring any financial product you should seek independent financial advice. Humanforce Thrive money coaches are not tax advisors or financial planners; and cannot and do not provide legal, tax or financial advice, whether through the App or in any other way.

If you require further financial assistance, you might want to refer to your Employee Assistance Program, the National Debt Helpline, or Financial Counselling Australia


Perks allows you to access card-linked cashback rewards by linking your Visa, Eftpos or Mastercard card in the Humanforce Thrive app. Once you link your card, you earn cashback rewards when you make eligible purchases with your linked card at participating merchants. Once you have accumulated at least $25 in rewards, rewards may be withdrawn to your bank account registered with Humanforce Thrive at no charge (minimum withdrawal $25). Additional terms apply to your use of Perks, available at [link].

1. Creating your Humanforce Thrive profile

1.1.   To use Humanforce Thrive, you need to:

   (a)     be currently employed by your Employer;

   (b)     create a Humanforce Thrive profile (once your Employer has partnered with Humanforce Thrive); and

   (c)     provide a valid privacy consent.

1.2. To make a Stream or a Grow Contribution: 

 (a) your Employer must have selected to offer these products to you; and  

 (b) in addition to the requirements in section 1.1 you need to: 

(i) give your Employer a valid and standing written authority to deduct from your salary or wage in order to make payment to Humanforce Thrive, and give Humanforce Thrive a valid Direct Debit Authority for any shortfall; and 

(ii) have legal capacity to enter this Agreement. 

1.3.   Humanforce Thrive or your Employer reserves the right to suspend or cancel your Humanforce Thrive profile, your ability to borrow, or your access to the Humanforce Thrive App at any time.

2. How to Stream

2.1.   You can Offer to borrow through the App. Humanforce Thrive may, but is not required, to accept your Offer.

2.2.   By submitting your Offer electronically, you offer to enter into a legally binding loan agreement. Your loan Agreement is made up of these Terms and your Offer.

2.3.   Your Agreement becomes legally binding if Humanforce Thrive accepts your Offer, and disburses your Stream into your Bank Account.

3. How to contribute to your Grow Account

3.1. If you have a Grow Account, you will be able to use Humanforce Thrive to set a Grow Contribution for each Pay Period to be directed towards investing in the Blossom Fund. On the Reconciliation Date, your Grow Contribution for the Pay Period will be deducted from your Pay and will be temporarily held by Humanforce Thrive, before being automatically transferred into your Grow Account (i.e., invest in the Blossom Fund). Transfers for the Grow Account will typically occur within three business days of deduction from your Pay.

3.2. Using the Humanforce Thrive App, you may request a withdrawal of any funds from your Grow Account (in whole or in part) at any time.  As long as you have sufficient funds in your Grow Account for your withdrawal request, a transfer of the requested amount to your Bank Account will be processed immediately.

3.3. You can deactivate your Grow Account at any time by following the instructions in the App. When you deactivate your Grow Account, the balance of your Grow Account at the time of deactivation will automatically be transferred to your Bank Account.

4.  How does using Humanforce Thrive affect your next Pay?

4.1.   If you have received any Streams or set any Grow Contributions during a Pay Period, your Employer will deduct from your next Pay as follows:

   (a)     first, a portion of your Pay will be directed to Humanforce Thrive, in accordance with your standing Authority to Deduct, to repay the Streams you have received during the Pay Period, and any associated fees;

(b) second, your Grow Contribution will be directed to Humanforce Thrive for transfer to invest in your Grow Account (however if your nominated Grow Contribution is greater than the amount of Pay you’re entitled to receive for that Pay Period (after the deduction for repaying the Streams), Humanforce Thrive won’t transfer any funds to invest in your Grow Account), in accordance with your standing Authority to Deduct; and

   (c)     third, the balance of your Pay will be paid to you, or in line with any other instruction you’ve given your Employer about where your Pay should be disbursed.

5.  How much can you Stream or Grow?

5.1.   You may Offer to borrow or make Grow Contributions up to the available amount shown through the Humanforce Thrive App, and you may make multiple Offers during a Pay Period. Generally the available amount shown in the App will be up to 50% of your accrued after-tax Pay; however this may vary on a case by case basis.  For the avoidance of doubt, if you make an Offer to borrow for an amount above 50% of your accrued Pay, and that Offer is accepted, you are still required to repay the entirety of the loan.

5.2.   If you make more than one Offer to borrow during a Pay Period, Humanforce Thrive will combine your outstanding balances (and any applicable fees), so that you only ever have to repay one amount to Humanforce Thrive per Pay Period. However, each Offer is a separate legally binding loan agreement.

5.3. Humanforce Thrive may apply minimum and maximum withdrawal limits at its discretion, depending on our agreement with you and/or your Employer. Any Offers made under any withdrawal limits applicable to you will not be accepted by Humanforce Thrive.

6.  Limitations on your borrowing

6.1.   Humanforce Thrive, or your Employer, may limit the amount or total number of Offers you can make during any Pay Period.  Examples of when Humanforce Thrive may decline an Offer include (but are not limited to):

   (a)     for legal or regulatory reasons;

   (b)     Humanforce Thrive considers (acting reasonably) that declining is a responsible decision for your financial wellbeing, or it is not otherwise in your interests or those of Humanforce Thrive for such Offer to be accepted;

   (c)     to meet requirements set by your Employer; 

   (d)     to protect the App or Humanforce Thrive.

6.2. Humanforce Thrive will not be responsible for any losses you might suffer if it declines an Offer for any reason under clause 6.1.

6.3. If you have any outstanding balances payable to Humanforce Thrive, Humanforce Thrive may decline your Offer or to allow any further Grow Contributions. 

7.   Fees, charges and interest

7.1. You must pay the following non-refundable fees and charges, which will be added to the amounts you owe to Humanforce Thrive and collected pursuant to section 4.1 or otherwise repaid in accordance with your Agreement:

(a) A transaction fee of between $0.00 and $3.49 per Stream, depending on our agreement with you and/or your Employer;

(b) If you Default under your Agreement and Humanforce Thrive direct debits your nominated account, your own deposit taking institution may charge you default or direct debit failure fees – you should ask them about their account-related fees.

7.2. There will be no interest, late fees or other penalty fees payable as a result of making a Stream.

8.   Repaying your Streams

8.1.   In order for you to enjoy the benefits provided under this Agreement, Humanforce Thrive requires, and you agree to:

   (a)     give your Employer a standing Authority to Deduct from your Pay in favour of Humanforce Thrive for all amounts repayable to Humanforce Thrive for each Pay Period in which you Stream or make any Grow Contributions;

   (b)     enter into a standing Direct Debit Authority with Humanforce Thrive. 

If your Employer is not able to deduct your Stream(s) from your Pay, meaning your loan is not repaid in full by the Reconciliation Date, you authorise Humanforce Thrive to deduct all repayments due under your Humanforce Thrive Agreement (including all applicable fees):

          I.  on the Reconciliation Date, or if not feasible;

        II. on the date which you next receive your Pay, or if not feasible;

          III. within 62 days after the Reconciliation Date if any amount you owe Humanforce Thrive remains outstanding, or if not feasible;

          IV.  in accordance with clause 8.3 below.

8.2.   Your Streams are repaid from your net after-tax Pay and is not a salary sacrifice.

8.3.   If Humanforce Thrive receives a part repayment, Humanforce Thrive has discretion to allocate it to any amount that you owe Humanforce Thrive, in any order, acting reasonably, and Humanforce Thrive may continue to debit your account under your Direct Debit Authority until the entire balance is repaid. To the extent permitted by law, Humanforce Thrive may also report any eligible default to credit reporting bodies, which may impact your credit history.  

8.4.   Subject to any statutory right of set-off that you may have, you must make all repayments owing to Humanforce Thrive in full, and must not make any set-off.

8.5.   If your Humanforce Thrive repayment is due on a non-Business Day, it must be paid by the next Business Day.

8.6.   Humanforce Thrive repayments are taken to be made when Humanforce Thrive receives the cleared repayment.

8.7.   Humanforce Thrive will not pay interest on any overpayment, and will use reasonable endeavours to return overpayments to your Bank Account within a reasonable time frame.

9. Your Grow Account 

9.1. Your investment in the Blossom Fund is shown in your Grow Account, provided by Blossom RE. BlossomApp facilitates access to your Grow Account through the Humanforce Thrive App.  None of Humanforce Thrive, Blossom RE and BlossomApp are liable for the performance of the Blossom Fund.  If Humanforce Thrive ceases to trade, or becomes insolvent, Blossom RE will arrange for the redemption of your investment in the Blossom Fund. Your investment as shown in your Grow Account is held only on the terms of the Blossom Fund.  Your investment in your Grow Account is not protected by any government guarantee. Investments in Blossom Fund can only be made by an application made to Blossom RE, which can be accessed via the Grow service in the Humanforce Thrive App.  Please see the Blossom Fund PDS for important information.  

9.2. Humanforce Thrive may, from time to time, in its absolute discretion, choose to pay a Bonus into the balance in your Grow Account. The terms of a Bonus may be changed or withdrawn without notice. For the avoidance of doubt, this Bonus is paid by Humanforce Thrive and not Blossom RE or BlossomApp.

9.3. Humanforce Thrive will not charge you any fees to use the Humanforce Thrive App in connection with your Grow Account. In particular (but without limitation) we will not charge you to, by means of facilities provided in the Humanforce Thrive App: (a) register for and activate a Grow Account; (b) set goals; and / or (c) withdraw funds from your Grow Account into your Bank Account.

9.4. If Humanforce Thrive and Blossom terminate their arrangement, you will be sent a one-time password to activate your new direct access to your Blossom Fund account.  Your existing investment in the Blossom Fund will not be affected by the termination of, or any other change to, the arrangement between Humanforce Thrive and Blossom.

10.   Default

10.1.   You are in default under your Agreement if one or more of the following occur (Default):

   (a)     you fail to make a repayment in full on the due date and do not remedy the failure within 7 days; or

   (b)     your Authority to Deduct or Direct Debit Authority are revoked, or cease to be effective and are not replaced; or

   (c)     you breach an Agreement warranty or term and the breach is not capable of remedy or you do not remedy the breach within 7 days.

10.2.   If you are in Default, Humanforce Thrive may take one or more of the following actions:

   (a)     suspend your Humanforce Thrive profile, your ability to make further Offers or your ability to make further Grow Contributions by means of the Humanforce Thrive App;

   (b)     request you immediately repay all amounts that you owe to Humanforce Thrive;

   (c)     take enforcement action if applicable;

   (d)     to the extent permitted by law, notify a credit reporting body of your default after issuing any statutory notices required and a relevant period of time has passed - which may impact your credit history; or

   (e)     take any other action available at law.

You may also become liable for reasonable enforcement expenses.

11.    Termination

11.1.   You may terminate your Agreement at any time voluntarily without cost by paying in full all amounts that you owe to Humanforce Thrive and deleting your Humanforce Thrive account.

11.2.   Humanforce Thrive may terminate your Agreement immediately without notice in the event of a Default, fraud or if required for regulatory reasons.

12.   Your warranties

12.1.   By entering into this Agreement, you warrant to Humanforce Thrive that:

   (a)     all information you have provided to Humanforce Thrive is correct;

   (b)     you will not allow another person to use your Humanforce Thrive Profile, and you will protect your security credentials;

   (c)     you have capacity to enter the Agreement and are a permanent resident of Australia;

(d) your employment has not been terminated by your Employer;

(e) you have not tendered your resignation with your Employer;

(f) you have worked, and you are entitled to the wages you are using to Stream or make Grow Contributions through Humanforce Thrive;

(g)     you are not bankrupt or insolvent at the time of making an Offer, and making the Offer will not cause you financial hardship;

   (h)     you understand that a Stream is a loan;

   (i)      you have made your own enquiries about whether using Humanforce Thrive is appropriate for you in supporting your own financial wellbeing; and

   (j)      you will keep your employment and contact details updated, and will regularly check your communication methods for correspondence from Humanforce Thrive.

13.   Your key obligations

13.1.   You must provide accurate Bank Account details in which to receive payments.  Humanforce Thrive can ask its account holder to investigate an incorrect payment, but cannot guarantee the return of lost funds, and is not liable for any incorrect payments.

13.2.   You must protect your Humanforce Thrive security credentials, and notify Humanforce Thrive immediately if you suspect your security has been compromised.

13.3.   You must give your Employer a valid and standing Authority to Deduct and give Humanforce Thrive a valid Direct Debit Authorisation, and update your Direct Debit Authorisation if your nominated account changes.

13.4.   You must inform your Employer or Humanforce Thrive if you have reason to believe your available amount shown on the App is incorrect.

13.5.   You must promptly tell Humanforce Thrive if your personal or bank information changes. 

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Humanforce Thrive is not responsible for any payment processing errors or fees or other App issues arising from your failure to keep us or your Employer updated.

14.   Leaving your Employer 

14.1. If your employment is terminated, or you resign or otherwise are no longer employed by your Employer: 

(a) Humanforce Thrive may suspend your ability to Stream or make any additional Grow Contributions; 

(b) you must not use the Humanforce Thrive App to Stream or make any Grow Contributions, and you must notify Humanforce Thrive if it appears that the Humanforce Thrive App could allow you to attempt to do so;

(c) Humanforce Thrive will pause any scheduled Grow Contributions and will pause your goal. 

14.2. You will still have the ability to: 

(a) keep your Grow Account active within the Blossom Fund through the App; 

(b) withdraw all funds from your Grow Account;

(c) request that Humanforce Thrive cancels your goal; and

(d) if relevant, access Learn and Coach.

15.   Privacy

15.1.   Humanforce Thrive may monitor and record phone calls and other communication with customers for customer service, quality, regulatory and evidentiary purposes. Please tell us before each call if you do not consent to this.

15.2.   You acknowledge and consent to Humanforce Thrive and Blossom collecting, using, disclosing and holding your personal information in accordance with the terms of Humanforce Thrive’s Privacy Policy and Blossom’s Privacy Policy.

15.3.   You authorise Humanforce Thrive and Blossom to share your personal information and information about your Streams with your Employer as required to process and manage the Humanforce Thrive and Grow service, and to resolve problems or complaints.

16.   Resolving problems

16.1.   If you have any issues, please contact us at Humanforce Thrive may require you to identify yourself and (if applicable) provide a copy of your relevant pay slip to assist with your query.

16.2.   Humanforce Thrive will attempt to resolve your problem at its earliest convenience, and at the very least, will aim to provide you with a written response within 5 Business Days.

16.3   Disputes only involving your investment in your Grow Account may always be made directly to Blossom RE.  Please see the Blossom Fund PDS.  Please consider first asking if Humanforce Thrive can your resolve problem.

17.   Notices and communications

17.1.   You authorise Humanforce Thrive to give you notices and other communications to contact you using the email address, mobile number and other contact details included in your Humanforce Thrive profile or provided by your Employer.

17.2.   As Humanforce Thrive services are accessed using an app, if you withdraw your consent to be contacted electronically, Humanforce Thrive may suspend your Humanforce Thrive profile.

17.3.   You may give Humanforce Thrive notice in writing by email or by post or hand delivery to Level 14, 90 Arthur St, North Sydney, NSW 2060.

18.   Variations

18.1.   Humanforce Thrive may vary these Terms or introduce new fees, as they will apply to any future Offer that you may make, by giving you at least 5 Business Days’ notice.

18.2.   If you do not agree to a variation, you may terminate your Humanforce Thrive profile without cost. Otherwise, your continued use of Humanforce Thrive’s products and services is deemed acceptance of the variations.

19.   AML/CTF and other relevant laws

19.1.   You acknowledge and agree that:

    (a) Humanforce Thrive must undertake customer identification, verification and monitoring under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth), and the related Rules (AML Laws), and may take any action (or inaction) that Humanforce Thrive considers is necessary to comply with AML Laws, including suspending or terminating your Humanforce Thrive profile;

    (b) you will provide all information and documents reasonably requested to enable Humanforce Thrive to comply with relevant laws in Australia or another country; and

    (c)   Humanforce Thrive may disclose information about you, or your transactions for any regulatory or legal purpose.

20.   Limitation of liability

20.1. Nothing in the Agreement limits or excludes any liability to the extent the same cannot be limited or excluded at law. 

20.2. Subject to clause 18.1, Humanforce Thrive’s maximum liability in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise under or in connection with the Agreement shall be limited to an amount equal to the cost of the supply of the service provided.

20.3. Subject to clause 18.1, Humanforce Thrive is not liable in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise under or in connection with the Agreement for any indirect, consequential or other loss or damage which may arise out of, or in connection with the Agreement.

21.   General matters

21.1.   Humanforce Thrive may assign, novate, or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without your consent. 

21.2. This Agreement is personal to you and you may not assign, novate, or transfer your rights or obligations under this Agreement without Humanforce Thrive’s consent.

21.3.   If Humanforce Thrive does not exercise a right or remedy fully or at a given time, Humanforce Thrive can still exercise it later at our discretion.

21.4.   New South Wales laws govern and apply to this Agreement.

21.5.   If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, unenforceable or breaches any mandatory law or regulation, then it is to be treated as deleted, and will not affect the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

22.   Definitions

Authority to Deduct means the authorisation and instruction given by you to your Employer to repay any Streams (including any applicable fees) or contribute to your Grow Account by way of a disbursement of your Pay to Humanforce Thrive or the Blossom Fund at the end of a Pay Period.

Bank Account means a nominated bank account into which you receive your Pay. 

Blossom Fund is a unit trust as a registered managed investment scheme ARSN 645 889 998 operated by Blossom RE.

Blossom Fund PDS means the product disclosure statement for the Blossom Fund current at the time. 

Blossom RE means Gleneagle Asset Management Limited ABN 29 103 162 278 AFS Licence No. 226 199.

BlossomApp means BlossomApp Pty Ltd ACN 644 216 151 (CAR # 1284228 of Blossom RE).

Business Day means a day on which banks are open for business in Sydney excluding a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.  Any obligation required to be performed on a day that is not a Business Day must be performed on or by the next Business Day unless expressly stated otherwise.

Direct Debit Authority means the authorisation and instruction given by you to Humanforce Thrive to direct debit your account to repay any Stream(s) (including any applicable fees), or other amounts owing to Humanforce Thrive under this Agreement as they become due.

Grow Account means the investor account as recorded and determined by Blossom RE, reflecting the value of your investment from time to time in the Blossom Fund.

Grow Contribution means a request made via the App to direct a proportion of your Pay to investment by you in the Blossom Fund.

Offer means a request made via the Humanforce Thrive App to Humanforce Thrive to borrow a proportion of your accrued but unpaid Pay earlier than the relevant Reconciliation Date to your Bank Account.

Pay means the remuneration made by your Employer to you for work carried out during the relevant Pay Period, as its employee (less any applicable deductions).

Pay Period means the period of time in which your Pay is accrued and paid (for example, weekly, fortnightly, bi-monthly or monthly).

Reconciliation Date means, unless otherwise agreed, the day upon which your Pay (less any Streams, applicable fees, or Grow Contributions) for any given Pay Period is paid to you.

Stream means, if Humanforce Thrive accepts your Offer, the loan proceeds paid to your Bank Account.

Humanforce Thrive, we, us or our means Earnd Pty Ltd ABN 46 625 490 968 trading as Humanforce Thrive and can include related body corporates if applicable.

Humanforce Thrive App and App means any applications supplied by Humanforce Thrive that enable employers and employees to administer and use Humanforce Thrive and other services.

These Terms were last updated on 13 March 2024.  Be aware that these terms may change.  Please check your email for notification of any changes.